If you know what you are looking for or have an approximate idea of it, you can drop us a message on whatsApp or an email to discuss the options and work on the creation.


“your dream hat starts with the right measure”



grab a measuring tape..


place it around your head on the widest part, above your ears around 1 cm and across your mid-forehead, or wherever you prefer your hat to be siting on, not too tight not too loose..

medida cabeza.png



Choose the material and and think about style, design, color and all the elements and details you would like to use..

Email us all this data with the exact head measurement and if you have any doubt about it, or your head measurement fall in between sizes, it’s always safer to pick a bit bigger size, since reduce the hat size it’s quite easy, but making it too small it’s a bigger issue.

we will get back to you to confirm if we can do it or what options we can offer about it

if everything it’s fine, you will be able to finalize the purchase in the online store in “customized creation” option

Contact us